Franklin Central Junior High

Franklin Township Com Sch Corp

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Franklin Township Com Sch Corp
62.35000000000001% $6,235.00 4.643299999999999% $464.33 9.367799999999999% $936.78
$7,636.11 per pupil
State Average
62.0993% $6,209.93 6.8857% $688.57 9.0737% $907.37
$7,805.87 per pupil
  • Baseline
  • Needs Based
  • Other
Franklin Township Com Sch Corp
62.35000000000001% $6,235.00 4.643299999999999% $464.33 9.367799999999999% $936.78
$7,636.11 per pupil
State Average
62.35000000000001% $6,209.93 4.643299999999999% $688.57 9.367799999999999% $907.37
$7,805.87 per pupil
  • Baseline
  • Needs Based
  • Other
Comparing to 547 schools What is this? Comparing to 150 schools with a similar Free/Reduced Lunch Percentage | 50.1% What is this?


Icon Circle


73rd percentile among schools with similar Free/Reduced Lunch Percentage

54th percentile among all schools


Number of students with at least a 94% attendance rate divided by the total number of students enrolled in the school.


ILEARN English/Language Arts

Icon Circle


81st percentile among schools with similar Free/Reduced Lunch Percentage

50th percentile among all schools

ILEARN English/Language Arts

Number of grades three through eight students who are proficient in English/Language Arts on the ILEARN assessment divided by the total number of students enrolled in the school who participated in the English/Language Arts assessment. The default view shows students assigned to the school where they took the assessment.



Icon Circle


85th percentile among schools with similar Free/Reduced Lunch Percentage

55th percentile among all schools


Number of grades three through eight students who are proficient in Math on the ILEARN assessment divided by the total number of students enrolled in the school who participated in the Math assessment. The default view shows students assigned to the school where they took the assessment.