Seeger Memorial Jr-Sr High School

MSD Warren County

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MSD Warren County
62.35000000000001% $6,235.00 4.5527% $455.27 9.8646% $986.46
$7,676.73 per pupil
State Average
62.0993% $6,209.93 6.8857% $688.57 9.0737% $907.37
$7,805.87 per pupil
  • Baseline
  • Needs Based
  • Other
MSD Warren County
62.35000000000001% $6,235.00 4.5527% $455.27 9.8646% $986.46
$7,676.73 per pupil
State Average
62.35000000000001% $6,209.93 4.5527% $688.57 9.8646% $907.37
$7,805.87 per pupil
  • Baseline
  • Needs Based
  • Other
Comparing to 542 schools What is this? Comparing to 222 schools with a similar Free/Reduced Lunch Percentage | 47.1% What is this?


Icon Circle


42nd percentile among schools with similar Free/Reduced Lunch Percentage

52nd percentile among all schools


Number of students with at least a 94% attendance rate divided by the total number of students enrolled in the school.


ILEARN English/Language Arts

Icon Circle


43rd percentile among schools with similar Free/Reduced Lunch Percentage

51st percentile among all schools

ILEARN English/Language Arts

Number of grades three through eight students who are proficient in English/Language Arts on the ILEARN assessment divided by the total number of students enrolled in the school who participated in the English/Language Arts assessment. The default view shows students assigned to the school where they took the assessment.



Icon Circle


51st percentile among schools with similar Free/Reduced Lunch Percentage

56th percentile among all schools


Number of grades three through eight students who are proficient in Math on the ILEARN assessment divided by the total number of students enrolled in the school who participated in the Math assessment. The default view shows students assigned to the school where they took the assessment.


SAT Performance

Icon Circle


13th percentile among schools with similar Free/Reduced Lunch Percentage

30th percentile among all schools

SAT Performance

Average composite score of grade 11 students who meet performance benchmarks on the SAT during the grade 11 assessment window. Students are assigned to the schools and corporations they most recently attended.


College and Career Coursework

Icon Circle


92nd percentile among schools with similar Free/Reduced Lunch Percentage

91st percentile among all schools

College and Career Coursework

Number of students in the grade 12 cohort who meet a certain set of criteria (pass an Advanced Placement exam with a score of 3 or more, pass an International Baccalaureate exam with a score of 4 or more, or pass a dual credit course) prior to June 30 of their expected graduation year, divided by the total number of students in the grade 12 cohort.


Graduation Rate with Waivers

Icon Circle


66th percentile among schools with similar Free/Reduced Lunch Percentage

78th percentile among all schools

Graduation Rate with Waivers

Number of students in the grade 12 cohort completing all graduation requirements prior to September 30 of their expected graduation year divided by the total number of students in the grade 12 cohort. Students are assigned to their cohort school.


Graduation Rate Excluding Waivers

Icon Circle


80th percentile among schools with similar Free/Reduced Lunch Percentage

85th percentile among all schools

Graduation Rate Excluding Waivers

The sum of non-waiver students in the grade 12 cohort completing all graduation requirements prior to September 30 of their expected graduation year plus the graduation waivers up to the allowable cap for that cohort, divided by the total number of students in the grade 12 cohort. Students are assigned to their cohort school.