Columbia Elementary School

Rochester Community School Corp

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Rochester Community School Corp
62.2518% $6,225.18 6.8856% $688.56 10.332% $1,033.20
$7,946.94 per pupil
State Average
62.0993% $6,209.93 6.8857% $688.57 9.0737% $907.37
$7,805.87 per pupil
  • Baseline
  • Needs Based
  • Other
Rochester Community School Corp
62.2518% $6,225.18 6.8856% $688.56 10.332% $1,033.20
$7,946.94 per pupil
State Average
62.2518% $6,209.93 6.8856% $688.57 10.332% $907.37
$7,805.87 per pupil
  • Baseline
  • Needs Based
  • Other
Comparing to 1079 schools What is this? Comparing to 497 schools with a similar Free/Reduced Lunch Percentage | 61.4% What is this?


Icon Circle


35th percentile among schools with similar Free/Reduced Lunch Percentage

32nd percentile among all schools


Number of students with at least a 94% attendance rate divided by the total number of students enrolled in the school.